产品名称: 皮肤及组织生物力学柔软度测量分析仪系统
英文名称: Biomechanical Tissue Characterization system
产品编号: BCT200
产品价格: 0
产品产地: 美国
品牌商标: Surgical Laboratory
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BCT2000皮肤及组织生物力学特性(柔软度)测量分析仪系统绍 BCT2000组织柔软度测量仪是用来测量一定区域的皮肤或者凝胶组织在一个吸引强制力的作用下的变形以及恢复的能力,其测量样品的种类包括人类及动物皮肤、瘢痕及愈合组织、人工凝胶及植入假体,人工器官、橡胶薄膜、塑胶薄膜等多种材料。 BCT2000系统主要通过一个直径为10mm的探头对测量样品表面施加低压力吸入(0到150 mm Hg),然后被测量区域内的皮肤会被直径为2mm开放式的探头吸入。皮肤或者凝胶进入到探头的深度将会被激光测量系统无接触测量得到,这个测量是通过一个光学测量系统完成,它是由一个发光器和一个接收器组成的。整个测量过程的加压过程在5秒钟,释放压力过程为15秒钟,整个测量过程通过测量施加压力和释放压力过程中上移形变量最大值和残值之间的比率,可以分析皮肤或凝胶表面弹性的大小;通过分析其恢复时间和形变量,可以分析皮肤或凝胶柔软度。
案例2:使用BCT2000组织柔软度测量仪对烫伤后的瘢痕组织进行弹性测试 BCT2000主要应用领域
BCT2000涉及课题案例 1)Measurement of change in the mechanical properties of burned skin to therapist intervention with a vacuum device. Gabriel V, Kowalske K. Burns. 2015 Jun;41(4):796-802. 2)Establishing a Reproducible Hypertrophic Scar following Thermal Injury: A Porcine Model. Scott J. Rapp, MD, Aaron Rumberg, BS, Marty Visscher, PhD, David A. Billmire, MD, Ann S. Schwentker, MD, and Brian S. Pan, MD. Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open. 2015 Feb; 3(2): e309. 3)Silicone gel breast implants: science and testing. Kinney BM1, Jeffers LL, Ratliff GE, Carlisle DA. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2014 Jul;134(1 Suppl):47S-56S. 4)Viscoelastic Properties of Human Facial Skin- A Pilot Study. M.W. Beatty · A. Wee · D.B. Marx · L. Ridgway · B. Simetich. Conference Paper. IADR General Session and Exhibition 2014; 06/2014. 5)Viscoelastic properties measurement of the prolapsed anterior vaginal wall: a patient-directed methodology. Chuong CJ, Ma M, Eberhart RC, Zimmern P. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2014 Feb;173:106-12. 6)Effect of Clostridial Collagenase Ointment on Healing, Scarring, and Granulation Tissue in Acute Wounds. David Mire, Herbert Slade, Kathy Weedon, Shai Rozen. Conference Paper: 2013 Clinical Symposium on Advances in Skin and Wound Care, At Orlando, Fl 7)A comparative study of the surgically relevant mechanical characteristics of the topical skin adhesives. Singer AJ, Perry L. Acad Emerg Med. 2012 Nov;19(11):1281-6. 8)LiquiBand ExceedTM Topical Skin Adhesive Summary of Effectiveness Data. J Alarcon, BSc (Hons), CCRA, G Miller, BSc (Hons). ADVANCED MEDICAL SOLUTIONS. web: us.liquiband.com. 9)Multimodal quantitative analysis of early pulsed-dye laser treatment of scars at a pediatric burn hospital. Bailey JK, Burkes SA, Visscher MO, Whitestone J, Kagan RJ, Yakuboff KP, Warner P, Randall Wickett R. Dermatol Surg. 2012 Sep;38(9):1490-6. 10)TOPICAL SKIN CARE FORMULATIONS. United States Patent. Hines et al. Patent No.: US 8,178,106. Date of Patent: May 15,2012. 11)In Vivo Btc-2000 Measurement of Anterior Vaginal Wall Biomechanical Properties in Prolapse Patients Undergoing Surgical Repair. Elizabeth Mosier, Rachel Jerome, Xian-Jin Xie, Charles CJ Chuong, J Yan, Robert C Eberhart and Philippe E Zimmern. J Biotechnol Biomaterial. Dec 07, 2011. 1:117 12)Antioxidants and Skin Aging: A Review. Christian Oresajo, PhD; Sreekumar Pillai, PhD; Margarita Yatskayer, MS; Germain Puccetti, PhD; David H. McDaniel, MD. Cosmetic Dermatology. November 2009 Vol. 22 No. 11.: 563-570. 13)In Vivo Study of Wound Bursting Strength and Compliance of Topical Skin Adhesives. Adam J. Singer MD, Larry C. Perry RN and Robert L. Allen Jr BS. Acad Emerg Med. 2008 Dec;15(12):1290-4. 14)Overexpression of mIGF-1 in Keratinocytes Improves Wound Healing and Accelerates Hair Follicle Formation and Cycling in Mice. Ekaterina Semenova, Heidi Koegel, Sybille Hasse, Jennifer E. Klatte, Esfir Slonimsky, Daniel Bilbao, Ralf Paus, Sabine Werner, and Nadia Rosenthal. Am J Pathol. 2008 Nov; 173(5): 1295–1310. 15)Lip care compositions. United States Patent. Wright et al. Pub. No.: US2008/0287540A1. Pub. Date: NOV. 20, 2008 16)Accelerated Wound Closure in Mice Deficient for Interleukin-10. Sabine A. Eming, Sabine Werner, Philippe Bugnon, Claudia Wickenhauser, Lisa Siewe, Olaf Utermhlen, Jeffrey M. Davidson, Thomas Krieg, and Axel Roers. Am J Pathol. 2007 Jan; 170(1): 188–202. 17)Development of a method for the evaluation of wound tensile strength in cynomolgus macaques. Joel B. Cornacoff, Kreg Howk, Bill Pikounis, Vince Mendenhall, Pauline Martin. Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods. 28 August 2007. 18)Accelerated Wound Closure in Mice Deficient for Interleukin-10. Sabine A. Eming,* Sabine Werner, Philippe Bugnon, Claudia Wickenhauser, Lisa Siewe,* Olaf Utermhlen,§ Jeffrey M. Davidson,|| Thomas Krieg,* and Axel Roers* Am J Pathol. 2007 January; 170(1): 188–202. 19)Evaluation of the multiple pass, low fluence algorithm for radiofrequency tightening of the lower face. Melissa A. Bogle, MD 1 2 *, Nathan Ubelhoer, DO 1 3, Robert A. Weiss, MD 4, Flor Mayoral, MD, Michael S. Kaminer, MD 1 Lasers in Surgery and Medicine. Volume 39, Issue 3 , Pages 210 – 217. 2007. 20)Surfactants in Personal Care Products and Decorative Cosmetics By Linda D. Rhein, Mitchell Schlossman, Ponisseril Somasundaran, Anthony O'Lenick. Published 2006 CRC Press. Chapter 3, Noninvasive Techniques to Measure Cutaneous Effects of Skin Care. Randall P. Wickett, PhD, Linda D. Rluein PhD, Svetlana Babajanyan MD. 21)Peroxiredoxin 6 Is a Potent Cytoprotective Enzyme in the Epidermis. Angelika Kümin, Christine Huber, Thomas Rülicke, Eckhard Wolf, and Sabine Werner. Am J Pathol. 2006 October; 169(4): 1194–1205. 22)Effect of Weight Loss on Cellulite: Gynoid Lypodystrophy. Smalls, Lola K. B.S.; Hicks, Matthew; Passeretti, David M.D.; Gersin, Keith M.D.; Kitzmiller, W John M.D.; Bakhsh, Adel M.D.; Wickett, R Randall Ph.D.; Whitestone, Jennifer M.S.; Visscher, Marty O. Ph.D. Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery. 118(2):510-516, August 2006. 23)COMPARISON BETWEEN LOW ENERGY, MULTIPLE PASS TECHNIQUE AND HIGH ENERGY, FEWER PASS TECHNIQUE WITH THERMACOOL SYSTEM FOR FACIAL REJUVENATION. Karen H. Kim, James Koch, and Roy G. Geronemus. Journal of American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery Abstracts 2005 Page 3 #74. |