
人尿道上皮细胞(HUC)提取于人膀胱组织,原代冻存。每管含有细胞数>5×105 cells/ml,此细胞通过对Cytokeratin-18, -19 和Vimentin免疫荧光染色验证,经测试不含有HIV-1、HBV、HCV、支原体、细菌、酵母和真菌。细胞可以达到15倍增。
推荐培养基:(UCM, Cat. No. 4321)
The urothelial cells, the cells lining the surface of the urinary bladder, are comprised of a unique cell type with high plasticity and a variety of cell functions. They are the first line of bladder defense and serve as an interface between pathogens that is equipped with several defense mechanisms to prevent adherence of pathogens and maintain impermeability to urinary solutes. The urothelial cells express both estrogen receptor-alpha and beta [1], epidermal growth factor receptor [2] and fibroblast growth factor receptor [3]; these receptors play a major role on urothelial cell response to injury and infection. They also release a number of cytokines and other immune system mediators and this newly recognized immunoregulatory potential of the urothelial cell warrants further investigation through the application of two recent developments: 1) the ability to culture normal urothelial cells in the laboratory and 2) the understanding of how immunoregulatory communications are generated for the biological functions of urothelial cells through signal transduction pathways.
HUC from ScienCell Research Laboratories are isolated from the human bladder. HUC are cryopreserved at passage one and delivered frozen. Each vial contains >5 x 10^5 cells in 1 ml volume. HUC are characterized by immunofluorescent method with antibodies to cytokeratin-18, -19 and vimentin. HUC are negative for HIV-1, HBV, HCV, mycoplasma, bacteria, yeast and fungi. HUC are guaranteed to further expand for 15 population doublings in the condition provided by ScienCell Research Laboratories.
Recommended Medium
It is recommended to use Urothelial Cell Medium (UCM, Cat. No. 4321) for the culturing of HUC in vitro.
Product Use
HUC are for research use only. It is not approved for human or animal use, or for application in in vitro diagnostic procedures.
Directly and immediately transfer cells from dry ice to liquid nitrogen upon receiving and keep the cells in liquid nitrogen until cell culture is needed for experiments.
Dry ice.
[1] Bjorling, D. E. and Wang, Z. (2001) Estrogen and neuroinflammation. Urology 57:40-46.
[2] Daher, A., de Boer, W. I., El-Marjou, A., van der Kwast, T., Abbou, C. C., Thiery, J. P., Radvanyi, F., Chopin, D. K. (2003) Epidermal growth factor receptor regulates normal urothelial regeneration. Lab Invest 83:1333-41.
[3]. Bassuk, J. A., Cochrane, K., Mitchell, M. E. (2003) Induction of urothelial cell proliferation by fibroblast growth factor-7 in RAG1-deficient mice. Adv Exp Med Biol 539:623-33.
4310 人膀胱平滑肌细胞(HBdSMC)( 5×105 )
4320 人尿道上皮细胞(HUC)(5×105)
4330 人膀胱基质成纤维细胞(HBdSF)(5×105)
ScienCell研究实验室生产的原代细胞、原代细胞专用培养基都经过了严格的质量控制,细胞纯度可达98%。其中包括21种人体正常细胞系统,90多种不同细胞类型。大多数细胞在全球唯有ScienCell实验室能够成功分离,产品质量过硬。 确保了实验结果的真实性、重复性和连贯性。
Sciencell公司部分原代细胞目录(如需要其他细胞资料请发邮件至 wwwfudan@163.com索取):
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