Nature :研究发现海鞘神经细胞生成机制-自主发布-资讯-生物在线

Nature :研究发现海鞘神经细胞生成机制

作者:上海研辉生物科技有限公司 2011-04-21T00:00 (访问量:1743)







Nature doi:10.1038/nature09631

Ependymal cells of chordate larvae are stem-like cells that form the adult nervous system

Takeo Horie,Ryoko Shinki,Yosuke Ogura,Takehiro G. Kusakabe,Nori Satoh& Yasunori Sasakura

In ascidian tunicates, the metamorphic transition from larva to adult is accompanied by dynamic changes in the body plan. For instance, the central nervous system (CNS) is subjected to extensive rearrangement because its regulating larval organs are lost and new adult organs are created1. To understand how the adult CNS is reconstructed, we traced the fate of larval CNS cells during ascidian metamorphosis by using transgenic animals and imaging technologies with photoconvertible fluorescent proteins2. Here we show that most parts of the ascidian larval CNS, except for the tail nerve cord, are maintained during metamorphosis and recruited to form the adult CNS. We also show that most of the larval neurons disappear and only a subset of cholinergic motor neurons and glutamatergic neurons are retained. Finally, we demonstrate that ependymal cells of the larval CNS contribute to the construction of the adult CNS and that some differentiate into neurons in the adult CNS. An unexpected role of ependymal cells highlighted by this study is that they serve as neural stem-like cells to reconstruct the adult nervous network during chordate metamorphosis. Consequently, the plasticity of non-neuronal ependymal cells and neuronal cells in chordates should be re-examined by future studies3, 4.

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