

作者:上海研辉生物科技有限公司 2011-08-02T00:00 (访问量:2660)

在对“黄热病”蚊子(埃及伊蚊)和蚊子传播的辛德毕斯病毒的一系列实验中,Kevin Myles及其同事发现了导致人类急性疾病的病毒如何无法显著影响其宿主蚊子的健康。这组科学家发现尽管蚊子传播的病毒以类似的方式感染人类和蚊子,蚊子的低水平的“沉默”感染对于让该病毒在环境中传播是至关重要的。



PNAS published online before print December 1, 2008, doi:10.1073/pnas.0803408105

Alphavirus-derived small RNAs modulate pathogenesis in disease vector mosquitoes

Kevin M. Myles, Michael R. Wiley, Elaine M. Morazzani, and Zach N. Adelman

Mosquito-borne viruses cause significant levels of morbidity and mortality in humans and domesticated animals. Maintenance of mosquito-borne viruses in nature requires a biological transmission cycle that involves alternating virus replication in a susceptible vertebrate and mosquito host. Although the vertebrate infection is acute and often associated with disease, continual transmission of these viruses in nature depends on the establishment of a persistent, nonpathogenic infection in the mosquito vector. An antiviral RNAi response has been shown to limit the replication of RNA viruses in flies. However, the importance of the RNAi pathway as an antiviral defense in mammals is unclear. Differences in the immune responses of mammals and mosquitoes may explain why these viruses are not generally associated with pathology in the invertebrate host. We identified virus-derived small interfering RNAs (viRNAs), 21 nt in length, in Aedes aegypti infected with the mosquito-borne virus, Sindbis (SINV). viRNAs had an asymmetric distribution that spanned the length of the SINV genome. To determine the role of viRNAs in controlling pathogenic potential, mosquitoes were infected with recombinant alphaviruses expressing suppressors of RNA silencing. Decreased survival was observed in mosquitoes in which the accumulation of viRNAs was suppressed. These results suggest that an exogenous siRNA pathway is essential to the survival of mosquitoes infected with alphaviruses and, thus, the maintenance of these viruses in nature.

上海研辉生物科技有限公司 商家主页

地 址: 上海市杨浦区政悦路500弄57号702

联系人: 王萍

电 话: 021-56076682

传 真: 021-56078580


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